1. The core game logic resides in the `wordgrid/` folder as Rust code and is a library for either the `wasm/` code (if compiled to WebAssembly for singleplayer), or for the `server/` code (if used in multiplayer).
2. The Rust code in `wasm/` is a small compatibility layer between the library and the browser. It gets compiled using `wasm-pack` to a Node package into `wasm/pkg/` that gets read by `ui/`
3.`ui/` is a Node package that uses React & Typescript. Currently it assumes it's being run in an environment that supports both singleplayer & multiplayer. This can't be built until the `wasm/` code has been built.
4.`server/` is a Rust program that runs a small web server for multiplayer purposes.
If you just want singleplayer, you can stop after step 3 and the static files you'll want are in `ui/dist/`. You can rename `singleplayer.html` -> `index.html` if you want to save a click.