2019-05-31 15:13:24 -07:00
#' Predict
#' Predict on the random forest.
#' @param forest A forest that was previously \code{\link{train}}ed
#' @param newData The new data containing all of the previous predictor
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#' covariates. Can be NULL if you want to use the training dataset, and
#' \code{forest} hasn't been loaded from the disk; otherwise you'll have to
#' specify it.
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#' @param parallel A logical indicating whether multiple cores should be
#' utilized when making the predictions. Available as an option because it's
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#' been observed that using Java's \code{parallelStream} can be unstable on
#' some systems. Default value is \code{TRUE}; only set to \code{FALSE} if you
#' get strange errors while predicting.
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#' @param out.of.bag A logical indicating whether predictions should be based on
#' 'out of bag' trees; set only to \code{TRUE} if you're running predictions
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#' on data that was used in the training. Default value is \code{TRUE} if
#' \code{newData} is \code{NULL}, otherwise \code{FALSE}.
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#' @return A list of responses corresponding with each row of \code{newData} if
#' it's a non-regression random forest; otherwise it returns a numeric vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Regression Example
#' x1 <- rnorm(1000)
#' x2 <- rnorm(1000)
#' y <- 1 + x1 + x2 + rnorm(1000)
#' data <- data.frame(x1, x2, y)
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#' forest <- train(y ~ x1 + x2, data, ntree=100, numberOfSplits = 5, mtry = 1, nodeSize = 5)
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#' # Fix x2 to be 0
#' newData <- data.frame(x1 = seq(from=-2, to=2, by=0.5), x2 = 0)
#' ypred <- predict(forest, newData)
#' plot(ypred ~ newData$x1, type="l")
#' # Competing Risk Example
#' x1 <- abs(rnorm(1000))
#' x2 <- abs(rnorm(1000))
#' T1 <- rexp(1000, rate=x1)
#' T2 <- rweibull(1000, shape=x1, scale=x2)
#' C <- rexp(1000)
#' u <- pmin(T1, T2, C)
#' delta <- ifelse(u==T1, 1, ifelse(u==T2, 2, 0))
#' data <- data.frame(x1, x2)
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#' forest <- train(CR_Response(delta, u) ~ x1 + x2, data, ntree=100, numberOfSplits=5, mtry=1, nodeSize=10)
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#' newData <- data.frame(x1 = c(-1, 0, 1), x2 = 0)
#' ypred <- predict(forest, newData)
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predict.JRandomForest <- function ( forest , newData = NULL , parallel = TRUE , out.of.bag = NULL ) {
if ( is.null ( newData ) & is.null ( forest $ dataset ) ) {
stop ( " forest doesn't have a copy of the training data loaded (this happens if you just loaded it); please manually specify newData and possibly out.of.bag" )
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if ( is.null ( newData ) ) {
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predictionDataList <- forest $ dataset
if ( is.null ( out.of.bag ) ) {
out.of.bag <- TRUE
else { # newData is provided
if ( is.null ( out.of.bag ) ) {
out.of.bag <- FALSE
predictionDataList <- loadPredictionData ( newData , forest $ covariateList )
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2019-06-19 13:14:11 -07:00
numRows <- .jcall ( predictionDataList , " I" , " size" )
2019-05-31 15:13:24 -07:00
forestObject <- forest $ javaObject
predictionClass <- forest $ params $ forestResponseCombiner $ outputClass
convertToRFunction <- forest $ params $ forestResponseCombiner $ convertToRFunction
if ( parallel ) {
function.to.use <- " evaluate"
else {
function.to.use <- " evaluateSerial"
if ( out.of.bag ) {
function.to.use <- paste0 ( function.to.use , " OOB" )
predictionsJava <- .jcall ( forestObject , makeResponse ( .class_List ) , function.to.use , predictionDataList )
if ( predictionClass == " numeric" ) {
predictions <- vector ( length = nrow ( newData ) , mode = " numeric" )
else {
predictions <- list ( )
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for ( i in 1 : numRows ) {
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prediction <- .jcall ( predictionsJava , makeResponse ( .class_Object ) , " get" , as.integer ( i -1 ) )
prediction <- convertToRFunction ( prediction , forest )
predictions [ [i ] ] <- prediction
class ( predictions ) <- paste0 ( predictionClass , " .List" )
return ( predictions )