% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/vimp.R \name{vimp} \alias{vimp} \title{Variable Importance} \usage{ vimp(forest, newData = NULL, randomSeed = NULL, type = c("mean", "z", "raw"), events = NULL, time = NULL, censoringDistribution = NULL, eventWeights = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{forest}{The forest that was trained.} \item{newData}{A test set of the data if available. If not, then out of bag errors will be attempted on the training set.} \item{randomSeed}{The source of randomness used to permute the values. Can be left blank.} \item{events}{If using competing risks forest, the events that the error measure used for VIMP should be calculated on.} \item{time}{If using competing risks forest, the upper bound of the integrated Brier score.} \item{censoringDistribution}{(Optional) If using competing risks forest, the censoring distribution. See \code{\link{integratedBrierScore} for details.}} \item{eventWeights}{(Optional) If using competing risks forest, weights to be applied to the error for each of the \code{events}.} } \value{ A named numeric vector of importance values. } \description{ Calculate variable importance by recording the increase in error when a given predictor is randomly permuted. Regression forests uses mean squared error; competing risks uses integrated Brier score. } \examples{ data(wihs) forest <- train(CR_Response(status, time) ~ ., wihs, ntree = 100, numberOfSplits = 0, mtry=3, nodeSize = 5) vimp(forest, events = 1:2, time = 8.0) }