% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/addTrees.R \name{addTrees} \alias{addTrees} \title{Add Trees} \usage{ addTrees(forest, numTreesToAdd, savePath = NULL, savePath.overwrite = c("warn", "delete", "merge"), cores = getCores(), displayProgress = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{forest}{An existing forest.} \item{numTreesToAdd}{The number of trees to add.} \item{savePath}{If saving the forest, the directory to save to. Default is \code{NULL}. Note that you need to respecify the path if you're modifying a previously saved forest.} \item{savePath.overwrite}{If \code{savePath} is pointing to an existing directory, possibly containing another forest, this specifies what should be done.} \item{cores}{The number of cores to be used for training the new trees.} \item{displayProgress}{A logical indicating whether the progress should be displayed to console; default is \code{TRUE}. Useful to set to FALSE in some automated situations.} } \value{ A new forest with the original and additional trees. } \description{ Add more trees to an existing forest. Most parameters are extracted from the previous forest. }