% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/cr_predictions.R \name{CompetingRiskPredictions} \alias{CompetingRiskPredictions} \alias{extractCIF} \alias{extractCHF} \alias{extractSurvivorCurve} \alias{extractMortalities} \title{Competing Risk Predictions} \usage{ extractCIF(x, event) extractCHF(x, event) extractSurvivorCurve(x) extractMortalities(x, event, time) } \arguments{ \item{x}{The predictions output from a competing risk random forest.} \item{event}{The event who's CIF/CHF/Mortality you are interested in.} \item{time}{The time to evaluate the mortality for (relevant only for \code{extractMortalities}).} } \description{ \code{extractCIF} extracts the cumulative incidence function for a prediction. \code{extractCHF} extracts the cause-specific cumulative hazard function for a prediction. \code{extractSurvivorCurve} extracts the Kaplan-Meier estimator of the overall survivor curve for a prediction. \code{extractMortalities} extracts the cause-specific mortalities for a function, which here is the CIF integrated from 0 to \code{time}. }