% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/cr_components.R \name{CompetingRiskSplitFinders} \alias{CompetingRiskSplitFinders} \alias{GrayLogRankSplitFinder} \alias{LogRankSplitFinder} \title{Competing Risk Split Finders} \usage{ GrayLogRankSplitFinder(events, eventsOfFocus = NULL) LogRankSplitFinder(events, eventsOfFocus = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{events}{A vector of integers specifying which competing risk events should be focused on when determining differences. Currently, equal weights will be assigned to all included groups.} \item{eventsOfFocus}{The split finder will only maximize differences between the two groups with respect to these specified events. Default is \code{NULL}, which will cause the split finder to focus on all events included in \code{events}.} } \value{ An internal rJava Java object used in \code{\link{train}}. } \description{ Creates a SplitFinder rJava Java object, which is then used internally when training a competing risk random forest. The split finder is responsible for finding the best split according to the logic of the split finder. } \details{ These split finders require that the response be \code{\link{CR_Response}}. The user only needs to pass this object into \code{\link{train}} as the \code{splitFinder} parameter. Roughly speaking, the Gray log-rank split finder looks at differences between the cumulative incidence functions of the two groups, while the plain log-rank split finder look at differences between the cause-specific hazard functions. See the references for a more detailed discussion. } \note{ The Gray log-rank split finder \strong{requires} that the response include the censoring time. } \examples{ splitFinder <- GrayLogRankSplitFinder(1:2) splitFinder <- LogRankSplitFinder(1:2) } \references{ Kogalur, U., Ishwaran, H. Random Forests for Survival, Regression, and Classification: A Parallel Package for a General Implemention of Breiman's Random Forests: Theory and Specifications. URL https://kogalur.github.io/randomForestSRC/theory.html#section8.2 Ishwaran, H., et. al. (2014) Random survival forests for competing risks, Biostatistics (2014), 15, 4, pp. 757–773 }