% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/wihs.R \docType{data} \name{wihs} \alias{wihs} \title{Women's Interagency HIV Study} \format{A data frame with 1164 rows and 6 variables: \describe{ \item{time}{time to the event} \item{status}{denotes which event occurred. 0 denotes censoring, 1 denotes HIV treatment began, and 2 denotes AIDS developed or the patient died} \item{ageatfda}{patient age at time first treatment approved} \item{idu}{binary specifying if the patient has a history of drug injections (1 if true)} \item{black}{binary specifying if the patient is black (1 if true)} \item{cd4nadir}{blood count of CD4 cells} }} \source{ The data was obtained from the randomForestSRC R package. } \usage{ wihs } \description{ A dataset containing competing risks information for women with HIV; recording the time to treatment, or the time to developing AIDS or death. The time may also be censored. } \references{ Bacon MC, von Wyl V, Alden C, Sharp G, Robison E, Hessol N, Gange S, Barranday Y, Holman S, Weber K, Young MA (2005). “The Women’s Interagency HIV Study: an Observational Cohort Brings Clinical Sciences to the Bench.” Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 12(9), 1013–1019. doi:10.1128/CDLI.12.9.1013-1019.2005. } \keyword{datasets}