Add comments regarding some of the changes in the GameActivity and the MainActivity
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 56 additions and 1 deletions
@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ public class GameActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
If the app is started via a deeplink, the GameActivity is the first activity the user accesses,
so we need to set the dark mode settings in this activity as well
if (sharedPref.getBoolean("pref_dark_mode_setting", false )) {
} else {
@ -120,13 +124,24 @@ public class GameActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
if(savedInstanceState == null) {
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
If a (deep) link is used to access the activity, the content of the link cannot be accessed
as a part of the getExtras() bundle. Instead, it needs to be saved as an URI object
Uri data = getIntent().getData();
gameController = new GameController(sharedPref, getApplicationContext());
// Intents coming from the LoadGameActivity and MainActivity can be identified based on the keys the getExtras() bundle contains
boolean intentReceivedFromMainActivity = extras != null &&
(extras.containsKey("gameType") || extras.containsKey("loadLevel"));
If data is not null and the intent was not received from the MainActivity/ LoadGameActivity, the source of the intent must be the
CreateSudokuActivity, the ImportBoardDialog or a deep link, meaning data carries an URI containing an encoded sudoku
if (data != null && !intentReceivedFromMainActivity) {
// extract encoded sudoku board from the URI
String input = "";
if (data.getScheme().equals(URL_SCHEME_WITHOUT_HOST)){
input = data.getHost();
@ -135,6 +150,7 @@ public class GameActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
input =input.replace("/", "");
// Save all of the information that can be extracted from the encoded board in a GameInfoContainer object
int sectionSize = (int)Math.sqrt(input.length());
int boardSize = sectionSize * sectionSize;
QQWing difficultyCheck;
@ -146,22 +162,33 @@ public class GameActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
container.parseGameType("Default_" + sectionSize + "x" + sectionSize);
difficultyCheck = new QQWing(container.getGameType(), GameDifficulty.Unspecified);
// calculate difficulty of the imported sudoku
// A sudoku is that does not have a unique solution is deemed 'unplayable' and may not be started
startGame = difficultyCheck.hasUniqueSolution();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// If the imported code does not actually encode a valid sudoku, it needs to be rejected
startGame = false;
set up a blank sudoku field that can be displayed in the activity while the player is notified that
the link they imported does not encode a valid sudoku
sectionSize = GameType.Default_9x9.getSize();
boardSize = sectionSize * sectionSize;
container = new GameInfoContainer(0, GameDifficulty.Unspecified,
GameType.Default_9x9, new int [boardSize], new int [boardSize], new boolean [boardSize][sectionSize]);
// Notify the user if the sudoku they tried to import cannot be played and finish the activity
if (!startGame) {
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(GameActivity.this,;
@ -188,6 +215,12 @@ public class GameActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
loadLevelID = extras.getInt("loadLevelID");
The 'isDailySudoku' key is only set by the DailySudokuActivity if a new daily sudoku needs to be calculated;
otherwise, the extras simply contain the id of the daily sudoku. Therefore, calculate the new daily sudoko if
'isDailySudoku' is true
if (isDailySudoku) {
} else {
@ -313,6 +346,8 @@ public class GameActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
public void onPause(){
// Do not save solved or unplayable sudokus
if(!gameSolved && startGame) {
@ -391,14 +426,19 @@ public class GameActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
// Create import link from current sudoku board
String codeForClipboard = URL_SCHEME_WITHOUT_HOST + "://" + gameController.getCodeOfField();
String codeForClipboard1 = URL_SCHEME_WITH_HOST + "://" + URL_HOST + "/" + gameController.getCodeOfField();
// Create new ShareBoardDialog using the previously created links
ShareBoardDialog shareDialog = new ShareBoardDialog();
shareDialog.setCopyClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// remember to include alternate code for older android versions
//save link to clipboard
ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
if (clipboard != null) {
@ -485,6 +525,10 @@ public class GameActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();
set 'finishedForToday' setting to 'true', signifying that the player has solved the daily
sudoku and can no longer play it today
editor.putBoolean("finishedForToday", true);
@ -499,6 +543,7 @@ public class GameActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
&& statistics.loadStats(gameController.getGameType(),gameController.getDifficulty()).getMinTime() >= gameController.getTime();
} else {
// cannot be best time if sudoku is custom
isNewBestTime = false;
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
// fade out the active activity
// fade out the active activity (but not if the user chose to open the ImportBoardDialog)
View mainContent = findViewById(;
if (mainContent != null && id != {
@ -408,9 +408,15 @@ public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
public void onImportDialogPositiveClick(String input) {
String inputSudoku;
// a valid input needs to contain exactly one of these prefixes
String prefix1 = GameActivity.URL_SCHEME_WITHOUT_HOST + "://";
String prefix2 = GameActivity.URL_SCHEME_WITH_HOST + "://" + GameActivity.URL_HOST + "/";
remove the present prefix, or, if the input contains neither of the prefixes, notify the user
that their input is not valid
if (input.contains(prefix1)) {
inputSudoku = input.replace(prefix1, "");
} else if (input.contains(prefix2)) {
@ -424,6 +430,7 @@ public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
int size = (int)Math.sqrt(inputSudoku.length());
boolean validSize = false;
// check whether or not the size of the encoded sudoku is valid; if not, notify the user
for (GameType type : GameType.getValidGameTypes()) {
if (type.getSize() == size) {
validSize = true;
@ -437,8 +444,11 @@ public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavig
GameType gameType = Enum.valueOf(GameType.class, "Default_" + size + "x" + size);
//check whether or not the sudoku is valid and has a unique solution
boolean solvable = CreateSudokuActivity.verify(gameType, inputSudoku);
// if the encoded sudoku is solvable, sent the code directly to the GameActivity; if not, notify the user
if (solvable) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, R.string.finished_verifying_custom_sudoku_toast, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
final Intent intent = new Intent(this, GameActivity.class);
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