Rewrite code so that cells have reference to the row, column, and section they belong to.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 206 additions and 88 deletions
@ -1,20 +1,157 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut};
use std::borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut};
struct Grid {
rows: Vec<Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>>>, // Read from top to bottom
columns: Vec<Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>>>,
sections: Vec<Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>>>
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
use std::cell::{RefCell, Ref};
enum CellValue {
struct Cell {
x: usize,
y: usize,
value: RefCell<CellValue>,
row: Weak<RefCell<Line>>,
column: Weak<RefCell<Line>>,
section: Weak<RefCell<Line>>,
impl Cell {
fn set(&self, digit: u8){
// We fully expect our row, column, and section to still be here even though the Rust compiler won't guarantee it
// Panic-ing if they're not present is perfectly reasonable
let row = &*self.row.upgrade().unwrap();
let row = &*row.borrow();
let column = &*self.column.upgrade().unwrap();
let column = &*column.borrow();
let section = &*self.section.upgrade().unwrap();
let section = &*section.borrow();
Cell::process_possibilities(row, digit);
Cell::process_possibilities(column, digit);
Cell::process_possibilities(section, digit);
fn process_possibilities(line: &Line, digit: u8){
for (_index, cell) in line.iter().enumerate() {
let cell = &**cell;
// Find the new CellValue to set; may be None if the cell was already fixed or had no possibilities remaining
let new_value_option : Option<CellValue> = {
let value = &*cell.value.borrow();
match value {
CellValue::UNKNOWN(possibilities) => {
let mut new_possibilities = possibilities.clone();
match new_possibilities.binary_search(&digit) {
Ok(index_remove) => {new_possibilities.remove(index_remove);},
_ => {}
if new_possibilities.len() == 1 {
let remaining_digit = new_possibilities.first().unwrap().clone();
} else if new_possibilities.len() == 0 {
} else {
_ => {None}
match new_value_option {
Some(new_value) => {
match new_value {
CellValue::UNKNOWN(_) => {
CellValue::FIXED(new_digit) => {
cell.set(new_digit); // Recursive
None => {}
type Line = Vec<Rc<Cell>>;
type MultiMut<T> = Rc<RefCell<T>>;
struct Grid {
rows: Vec<MultiMut<Line>>, // Read from top to bottom
columns: Vec<MultiMut<Line>>,
sections: Vec<MultiMut<Line>>,
impl Grid {
fn get(&self, r: usize, c: usize) -> Result<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>, &str> {
fn new() -> Grid {
let mut rows: Vec<MultiMut<Line>> = Vec::new();
let mut columns: Vec<MultiMut<Line>> = Vec::new();
let mut sections: Vec<MultiMut<Line>> = Vec::new();
for _i in 0..9 {
for row_index in 0..9 {
let row_rc = unsafe {
let row_ref = &mut *row_rc.borrow_mut();
for column_index in 0..9 {
let section_index = (row_index / 3) * 3 + column_index / 3;
let (column_rc, section_rc) = unsafe {
let column_weak = Rc::downgrade(column_rc);
let column_ref = &mut *column_rc.borrow_mut();
let section_weak = Rc::downgrade(section_rc);
let section_ref = &mut *section_rc.borrow_mut();
let row_weak = Rc::downgrade(row_rc);
let cell = Cell {
x: row_index,
y: column_index,
value: RefCell::new(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])),
row: row_weak,
column: column_weak,
section: section_weak
let ref1 = Rc::new(cell);
let ref2 = Rc::clone(&ref1);
let ref3 = Rc::clone(&ref1);
return Grid { rows, columns, sections };
fn get(&self, r: usize, c: usize) -> Result<Rc<Cell>, &str> {
if (r > 9) | (c > 9) {
return Err("Row or column indices are out of bounds");
@ -24,6 +161,8 @@ impl Grid {
None => {return Err("Row index is out of bounds")}
let row = &*(&**row).borrow();
let cell = match row.get(c) {
Some(x) => x,
None => {return Err("Column index is out of bounds")}
@ -32,26 +171,6 @@ impl Grid {
return Ok(Rc::clone(cell));
fn get_vectors_containing_coordinates(&self, r: usize, c:usize) -> Result<(&Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>>, &Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>>, &Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>>), &str> {
let row = match self.rows.get(r) {
Some(x) => x,
None => {return Err("Row index is out of bounds")}
let column = match self.columns.get(c) {
Some(x) => x,
None => {return Err("Column index is out of bounds")}
// We know that row and column are in bounds now so we can perform an unwrapped get
// But we first need to identify the correct coordinates
let section_index = (r / 3) * 3 + c / 3;
let section = self.sections.get(section_index).unwrap();
return Ok((row, column, section));
fn print(&self) {
for r in 0..9 {
@ -63,9 +182,11 @@ impl Grid {
for c in 0..9 {
let value = self.get(r, c).unwrap();
let value = &*value;
match &*value.borrow() {
let cell = &*self.get(r, c).unwrap();
let value = &*cell.value.borrow();
match value {
CellValue::FIXED(x) => {
row1.push_str(" ");
row2.push(' '); row2.push_str(&x.to_string()); row2.push(' ');
@ -120,61 +241,59 @@ impl Grid {
row.push(' ');
fn new() -> Grid {
// Rows first; we need to create cells for all of them
let mut rows: Vec<Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>>> = Vec::new();
for _r in 0..9 {
let mut new_row: Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>> = Vec::new();
for _i in 0..9 {
let empty_cell = initial_empty_cell();
// Columns next; now we have to retrieve the cells from the different rows
let mut columns : Vec<Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>>> = Vec::new();
for c in 0..9 {
let mut new_column : Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>> = Vec::new();
for r in 0..9{
// Sections next; now we have to retrieve the cells from different rows and columns
// We read sections from left to right, top to bottom
let mut sections : Vec<Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>>> = Vec::new();
for r in 0..3 {
for c in 0..3 {
let mut new_section : Vec<Rc<RefCell<CellValue>>> = Vec::new();
for internal_r in 0..3 {
let global_r = 3*r + internal_r;
for internal_c in 0..3 {
let global_c = 3*c + internal_c;
return Grid { rows, columns, sections };
fn initial_empty_cell() -> RefCell<CellValue> {
return RefCell::new(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]));
fn main() {
let grid = Grid::new();
println!("Now setting some values");
grid.get(0, 4).unwrap().set(8);
grid.get(0, 5).unwrap().set(5);
grid.get(0, 6).unwrap().set(6);
grid.get(2, 3).unwrap().set(9);
grid.get(2, 4).unwrap().set(4);
grid.get(2, 5).unwrap().set(3);
grid.get(2, 6).unwrap().set(5);
grid.get(2, 7).unwrap().set(7);
grid.get(3, 0).unwrap().set(8);
grid.get(3, 2).unwrap().set(2);
grid.get(3, 3).unwrap().set(6);
grid.get(3, 4).unwrap().set(7);
grid.get(3, 5).unwrap().set(4);
grid.get(3, 6).unwrap().set(9);
grid.get(4, 4).unwrap().set(9);
grid.get(4, 8).unwrap().set(5);
grid.get(5, 1).unwrap().set(6);
grid.get(5, 6).unwrap().set(2);
grid.get(6, 1).unwrap().set(8);
grid.get(6, 8).unwrap().set(2);
grid.get(7, 3).unwrap().set(7);
grid.get(7, 5).unwrap().set(6);
grid.get(7, 7).unwrap().set(5);
grid.get(7, 8).unwrap().set(4);
grid.get(8, 2).unwrap().set(7);
grid.get(8, 3).unwrap().set(4);
Only removes possibilities; does not add any
@ -225,11 +344,7 @@ fn remove_possibility(cell: &RefCell<CellValue>, to_remove: &u8){
fn main() {
println!("Printing grid before possibilities removed");
let mut grid = retrieve_grid();
println!("Printing grid after invalid possibilities removed");
calculate_and_remove_possibilities(&mut grid);
@ -321,3 +436,6 @@ fn retrieve_grid() -> Grid {
return grid;
Add table
Reference in a new issue