Break code out into multiple files and modules
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 1070 additions and 1038 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
use std::cell::{RefCell};
use std::fmt::Formatter;
static mut DEBUG: bool = false;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum CellValue {
pub struct Cell {
pub x: usize,
pub y: usize,
pub value: RefCell<CellValue>,
pub row: Weak<RefCell<Line>>,
pub column: Weak<RefCell<Line>>,
pub section: Weak<RefCell<Line>>,
impl Cell {
pub fn set(&self, digit: u8){
unsafe {
if DEBUG {
println!("Cell {}, {} was set with digit {}", self.x, self.y, digit);
// We fully expect our row, column, and section to still be here even though the Rust compiler won't guarantee it
// Panic-ing if they're not present is perfectly reasonable
let row = &*self.row.upgrade().unwrap();
let row = &*row.borrow();
let column = &*self.column.upgrade().unwrap();
let column = &*column.borrow();
let section = &*self.section.upgrade().unwrap();
let section = &*section.borrow();
Cell::process_possibilities(row, digit);
Cell::process_possibilities(column, digit);
Cell::process_possibilities(section, digit);
pub fn get_value_copy(&self) -> CellValue {
let value = &*self.value.borrow();
return value.clone();
pub fn set_value(&self, value: CellValue){
match value {
CellValue::FIXED(digit) => {
CellValue::UNKNOWN(_) => {
} // continue on
pub fn set_value_exact(&self, value: CellValue){
unsafe {
if DEBUG {
println!("Cell {}, {} was set with CellValue exact {:?}", self.x, self.y, value);
pub fn get_value_possibilities(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let value = &*self.value.borrow();
match value {
CellValue::FIXED(_) => None,
CellValue::UNKNOWN(x) => Some(x.clone())
fn mark_updates(&self){
let row = &*self.row.upgrade().unwrap();
let row = &*row.borrow();
let column = &*self.column.upgrade().unwrap();
let column = &*column.borrow();
let section = &*self.section.upgrade().unwrap();
let section = &*section.borrow();
fn process_possibilities(line: &Line, digit: u8){
for (_index, cell) in line.vec.iter().enumerate() {
let cell = &**cell;
// Find the new CellValue to set; may be None if the cell was already fixed or had no possibilities remaining
let new_value_option : Option<CellValue> = {
let value = &*cell.value.borrow();
match value {
CellValue::UNKNOWN(possibilities) => {
let mut new_possibilities = possibilities.clone();
match new_possibilities.binary_search(&digit) {
Ok(index_remove) => {new_possibilities.remove(index_remove);},
_ => {}
if new_possibilities.len() == 1 {
let remaining_digit = new_possibilities.first().unwrap().clone();
} else if new_possibilities.len() == 0 {
} else {
CellValue::FIXED(_) => {None}
match new_value_option {
Some(new_value) => {
None => {}
pub struct Line {
pub vec: Vec<Rc<Cell>>,
pub do_update: RefCell<bool>,
pub index: usize,
pub line_type: LineType
pub enum LineType {
impl Line {
fn push(&mut self, x: Rc<Cell>){
pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&Rc<Cell>>{
fn new(index: usize, line_type: LineType) -> Line {
Line {
vec: Vec::new(),
do_update: RefCell::new(false),
pub fn do_update(&self) -> bool {
let do_update = &self.do_update.borrow();
let do_update = &**do_update;
return do_update.clone();
type MultiMut<T> = Rc<RefCell<T>>;
pub struct Grid {
pub rows: Vec<MultiMut<Line>>, // Read from top to bottom
pub columns: Vec<MultiMut<Line>>,
pub sections: Vec<MultiMut<Line>>,
impl Grid {
pub fn new() -> Grid {
let mut rows: Vec<MultiMut<Line>> = Vec::new();
let mut columns: Vec<MultiMut<Line>> = Vec::new();
let mut sections: Vec<MultiMut<Line>> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..9 {
rows.push(Rc::new(RefCell::new(Line::new(i, LineType::ROW))));
columns.push(Rc::new(RefCell::new(Line::new(i, LineType::COLUMN))));
sections.push(Rc::new(RefCell::new(Line::new(i, LineType::SECTION))));
for row_index in 0..9 {
let row_rc = unsafe {
let row_ref = &mut *row_rc.borrow_mut();
for column_index in 0..9 {
let section_index = (row_index / 3) * 3 + column_index / 3;
let (column_rc, section_rc) = unsafe {
let column_weak = Rc::downgrade(column_rc);
let column_ref = &mut *column_rc.borrow_mut();
let section_weak = Rc::downgrade(section_rc);
let section_ref = &mut *section_rc.borrow_mut();
let row_weak = Rc::downgrade(row_rc);
let cell = Cell {
x: row_index,
y: column_index,
value: RefCell::new(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])),
row: row_weak,
column: column_weak,
section: section_weak
let ref1 = Rc::new(cell);
let ref2 = Rc::clone(&ref1);
let ref3 = Rc::clone(&ref1);
return Grid { rows, columns, sections };
pub fn get(&self, r: usize, c: usize) -> Result<Rc<Cell>, &str> {
if (r > 9) | (c > 9) {
return Err("Row or column indices are out of bounds");
let row = match self.rows.get(r) {
Some(x) => x,
None => {return Err("Row index is out of bounds")}
let row = &*(&**row).borrow();
let cell = match row.get(c) {
Some(x) => x,
None => {return Err("Column index is out of bounds")}
return Ok(Rc::clone(cell));
fn process_unknown(x: &Vec<u8>, digit: u8, row: &mut String){
if x.contains(&digit) {
} else{
row.push(' ');
impl Clone for Grid {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let mut new = Grid::new();
return new;
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) {
for x in 0..9 {
for y in 0..9 {
let source_value = source.get(x, y).unwrap().get_value_copy();
self.get(x, y).unwrap().set_value_exact(source_value);
for i in 0..9 {
let new_row = &*self.rows.get(i).unwrap().borrow();
let source_row = &*source.rows.get(i).unwrap().borrow();
let new_column = &*self.columns.get(i).unwrap().borrow();
let source_column = &*source.columns.get(i).unwrap().borrow();
let new_section = &*self.sections.get(i).unwrap().borrow();
let source_section = &*source.sections.get(i).unwrap().borrow();
impl std::fmt::Display for Grid {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
for r in 0..9 {
// Each row corresponds to 3 rows since we leave room for guesses
let mut row1 = String::new();
let mut row2 = String::new();
let mut row3 = String::new();
for c in 0..9 {
let cell = &*self.get(r, c).unwrap();
let value = &*cell.value.borrow();
match value {
CellValue::FIXED(x) => {
row1.push_str(" ");
row2.push(' '); row2.push_str(&x.to_string()); row2.push(' ');
row3.push_str(" ");
CellValue::UNKNOWN(x) => {
Grid::process_unknown(&x, 1, &mut row1);
Grid::process_unknown(&x, 2, &mut row1);
Grid::process_unknown(&x, 3, &mut row1);
Grid::process_unknown(&x, 4, &mut row2);
Grid::process_unknown(&x, 5, &mut row2);
Grid::process_unknown(&x, 6, &mut row2);
Grid::process_unknown(&x, 7, &mut row3);
Grid::process_unknown(&x, 8, &mut row3);
Grid::process_unknown(&x, 9, &mut row3);
if (c % 3 == 2) && (c < 8){
} else if c < 8{
write!(f, "{}", row1)?;
write!(f, "\n")?;
write!(f, "{}", row2)?;
write!(f, "\n")?;
write!(f, "{}", row3)?;
write!(f, "\n")?;
if (r % 3 == 2) && (r < 8) {
write!(f, "━━━┿━━━┿━━━╋━━━┿━━━┿━━━╋━━━┿━━━┿━━━\n")?;
} else if r < 8{
write!(f, "┄┄┄┼┄┄┄┼┄┄┄╂┄┄┄┼┄┄┄┼┄┄┄╂┄┄┄┼┄┄┄┼┄┄┄\n")?;
return Result::Ok(());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
pub mod grid;
pub mod solver;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
use std::cell::{RefCell};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use crate::grid::{Cell, Line, Grid, CellValue, LineType};
static mut DEBUG: bool = false;
struct FauxCell{
index: usize,
possibilities: HashSet<u8>,
in_group: bool
impl FauxCell {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
fn remove(&mut self, to_remove: &HashSet<u8>){
to_remove.iter().for_each(|digit| {self.possibilities.remove(digit);});
struct FauxLine (Vec<FauxCell>);
impl FauxLine {
fn num_in_group(&self) -> usize {
self.0.iter().filter(|faux_cell| faux_cell.in_group).count()
fn num_out_group(&self) -> usize {
self.0.len() - self.num_in_group()
// See if there's a set of cells with possibilities that exclude those possibilities from other cells.
// Runs recursively on each group to identify all groups in case there's more than 2.
fn identify_and_process_possibility_groups(line: &Line){
unsafe {
if DEBUG {
println!("Looking for possibility groups on line {:?} {}", line.line_type, line.index);
bisect_possibility_groups(line, vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
fn bisect_possibility_groups(line: &Line, cells_of_interest: Vec<usize>){
Algorithm -
Setup - Let count = 0
1. Choose cell with least number of possibilities. Add to in-group.
2. Add to count the number of possibilities in that cell
3. Remove the possibilities of that cell from all other out-group cells.
4. If the number of cells in group == count, finish.
5. Goto 1
// For later recursive calls; put here because of scope reasons
let mut in_group_indices = Vec::new();
let mut out_group_indices = Vec::new();
let mut run_recursion = false;
// <Setup>
let mut count = 0;
let mut faux_line = FauxLine(Vec::new());
for i in 0..9 {
if !cells_of_interest.contains(&i) {
let cell = line.get(i).unwrap();
let cell = Rc::clone(cell);
let faux_possibilities = {
let value = &*cell.value.borrow();
match value {
CellValue::UNKNOWN(possibilities) => {
let mut set = HashSet::new();
for (_index, digit) in possibilities.iter().enumerate() {
CellValue::FIXED(_) => { continue }
let faux_cell = FauxCell {
index: i,
possibilities: faux_possibilities,
in_group: false
// </Setup>
// No point in continuing.
if faux_line.num_out_group() <= 2 {
// A kind of do-while loop
loop {
if faux_line.num_out_group() == 0 {
// Step 1
let mut smallest_cell: Option<&mut FauxCell> = None;
let mut smallest_size = usize::MAX;
for (_index, cell) in faux_line.0.iter_mut().filter(|faux_cell| !faux_cell.in_group).enumerate() {
if cell.len() < smallest_size {
smallest_size = cell.len();
smallest_cell = Some(cell);
let smallest_cell = smallest_cell.unwrap(); // Safe because we already verified the out-group had members
smallest_cell.in_group = true;
// Step 2
count = count + smallest_size;
let possibilities_to_remove = smallest_cell.possibilities.clone(); // Necessary because of mutable borrow rules
// Step 3
for (_index, cell) in faux_line.0.iter_mut().filter(|faux_cell| !faux_cell.in_group).enumerate() {
// Step 4 (finish condition)
if faux_line.num_in_group() == count {
// Now we have to see if this was worth it
if faux_line.num_out_group() > 0 { // Worth it
// We now have two distinct groups and can separate their possibilities
let mut in_group_possibilities = HashSet::new();
let mut out_group_possibilities = HashSet::new();
// Collect the possibilities for each group
for (_index, cell) in faux_line.0.iter().enumerate() {
if cell.in_group {
cell.possibilities.iter().for_each(|digit| {in_group_possibilities.insert(digit.clone());});
} else {
cell.possibilities.iter().for_each(|digit| {out_group_possibilities.insert(digit.clone());});
// Now to apply this to the real cells
for (_index, faux_cell) in faux_line.0.iter().enumerate() {
let real_cell = line.get(faux_cell.index).unwrap();
let mut possibilities = {
let value = &*real_cell.value.borrow();
match value {
CellValue::UNKNOWN(possibilities) => possibilities.clone(),
CellValue::FIXED(_) => {panic!("Faux_cell shouldn't have linked to fixed cell")}
let starting_possibility_size = possibilities.len();
let possibilities_to_remove = match faux_cell.in_group {
true => &out_group_possibilities,
false => &in_group_possibilities
for (_i, possibility) in possibilities_to_remove.iter().enumerate() {
match possibilities.binary_search(possibility) {
Ok(x) => {
Err(_) => {}
if possibilities.len() < starting_possibility_size { // We have a change to make
let new_value = {
if possibilities.len() == 1 {
} else {
// Now finally, it's possible that there were 3 or more groups while this algorithm only identifies 2
// So we recursively call it but restricted to each of the groups
run_recursion = true;
for (index, cell) in faux_line.0.iter().enumerate() {
if cell.in_group {
} else {
// Out of scope of everything; we need to check again if it was worth it.
if run_recursion {
bisect_possibility_groups(line, in_group_indices);
bisect_possibility_groups(line, out_group_indices);
// Search for a cell with only one possibility so that we can set it to FIXED
fn search_single_possibility(line: &Line){
unsafe {
if DEBUG {
println!("search_single_possibility on line {:?} {}", line.line_type, line.index);
for (_index, cell) in line.vec.iter().enumerate(){
match cell.get_value_possibilities(){
Some(x) => {
if x.len() == 1 {
let new_value = CellValue::FIXED(x.first().unwrap().clone());
None => {}
enum PossibilityLines {
impl PossibilityLines {
fn is_invalid(&self) -> bool {
match &self {
PossibilityLines::INVALID => true,
_ => false
// If all the cells for a particular possibility share a same other Line, they can remove that possibility from other cells in the main line.
// I.e. If possibility '1' only occurs in the first row for section 0, then you can remove that possibility
// from row 0 across the other sections. Conversely, if the possibility only occurs in the first section
// for row 0, then you can remove the possibility from the rest of section 0.
fn search_useful_constraint(grid: &Grid, line: &Line){
unsafe {
if DEBUG {
println!("Searching for a useful constraint on line {:?} {}", line.line_type, line.index);
let (check_row, check_column, check_section) = match line.line_type {
LineType::ROW => {(false, false, true)},
LineType::COLUMN => {(false, false, true)},
LineType::SECTION => {(true, true, false)},
for possibility in 0..9 {
let mut rows = match check_row {true => PossibilityLines::NONE, false => PossibilityLines::INVALID};
let mut columns = match check_column {true => PossibilityLines::NONE, false => PossibilityLines::INVALID};
let mut sections = match check_section {true => PossibilityLines::NONE, false => PossibilityLines::INVALID};
for cell_id in 0..9 {
let cell_ref = line.get(cell_id).unwrap();
let cell_ref = Rc::clone(cell_ref);
let cell_ref = &*cell_ref;
let value = &*cell_ref.value.borrow();
match value {
CellValue::FIXED(x) => { // We can deduce this possibility won't occur elsewhere in our row, so leave for-loop
if possibility.eq(x) {
rows = process_possibility_line(rows, &cell_ref.row);
columns = process_possibility_line(columns, &cell_ref.column);
sections = process_possibility_line(sections, &cell_ref.section);
CellValue::UNKNOWN(digits) => {
if digits.contains(&possibility) {
rows = process_possibility_line(rows, &cell_ref.row);
columns = process_possibility_line(columns, &cell_ref.column);
sections = process_possibility_line(sections, &cell_ref.section);
if rows.is_invalid() & columns.is_invalid() & sections.is_invalid() {
// Check each line and see if we can determine anything
match rows {
PossibilityLines::UNIQUE(index) => {
remove_possibilities_line(grid.rows.get(index).unwrap(), possibility, &line.line_type, line.index);
_ => {}
match columns {
PossibilityLines::UNIQUE(index) => {
remove_possibilities_line(grid.columns.get(index).unwrap(), possibility, &line.line_type, line.index);
_ => {}
match sections {
PossibilityLines::UNIQUE(index) => {
remove_possibilities_line(grid.sections.get(index).unwrap(), possibility, &line.line_type, line.index);
_ => {}
// initial_line_type and initial_line_index are to identify the cells that should NOT have their possibilities removed
fn remove_possibilities_line(line: &Rc<RefCell<Line>>, digit_to_remove: u8, initial_line_type: &LineType, initial_line_index: usize) {
let line = &*(&**line).borrow();
for (_index, cell) in line.vec.iter().enumerate() {
let new_value = {
let value = &*cell.value.borrow();
match value {
CellValue::UNKNOWN(possibilities) => {
let parent_line = match initial_line_type {
LineType::ROW => &cell.row,
LineType::COLUMN => &cell.column,
LineType::SECTION => &cell.section
let parent_line = &*parent_line.upgrade().unwrap();
let parent_line = &*parent_line.borrow();
if parent_line.index == initial_line_index {
// Don't want to apply to this cell
let new_possibilities = match possibilities.binary_search(&digit_to_remove) {
Ok(x) => {
let mut new_possibilities = possibilities.clone();
Err(_) => { continue; }
let new_value;
if new_possibilities.len() == 1 {
new_value = CellValue::FIXED(new_possibilities.first().unwrap().clone());
} else {
new_value = CellValue::UNKNOWN(new_possibilities);
_ => { continue; }
// We detected
fn process_possibility_line(possibility_line: PossibilityLines, line: &Weak<RefCell<Line>>) -> PossibilityLines {
let line = line.upgrade().unwrap();
let line = &*(&*line).borrow();
match possibility_line {
PossibilityLines::NONE => {PossibilityLines::UNIQUE(line.index)},
PossibilityLines::INVALID => {possibility_line},
PossibilityLines::UNIQUE(x) => {
if line.index.eq(&x) {
} else {
fn solve_line(grid: &Grid, line: &Line){
unsafe {
if DEBUG {
println!("Solving {:?} {}", line.line_type, line.index);
unsafe {
if DEBUG {
println!("{}", grid);
unsafe {
if DEBUG {
println!("{}", grid);
search_useful_constraint(grid, line);
unsafe {
if DEBUG {
println!("{}", grid);
fn find_smallest_cell(grid: &Grid) -> Option<Rc<Cell>>{
// Find a cell of smallest size (in terms of possibilities) and make a guess
// Can assume that no cells of only possibility 1 exist
let mut smallest_cell : Option<Rc<Cell>> = None;
let mut smallest_size = usize::MAX;
'outer: for x in 0..9 {
for y in 0..9 {
let cell_rc = grid.get(x, y).unwrap();
let cell = &*grid.get(x, y).unwrap();
let cell_value = &*cell.value.borrow();
match cell_value {
CellValue::UNKNOWN(possibilities) => {
if (possibilities.len() < smallest_size) && (possibilities.len() > 0){
smallest_size = possibilities.len();
smallest_cell = Some(cell_rc);
_ => {}
if smallest_size <= 2 {
break 'outer; // We aren't going to get smaller
pub enum SolveStatus {
pub fn solve_grid(grid: &mut Grid) -> SolveStatus{
// Code is kind of messy so here it goes - solve_grid first tries to solve without any guesses
// If that's not enough and a guess is required, then solve_grid_guess is called
// solve_grid_guess runs through all the possibilities for the smallest cell, trying to solve them
// through calling this function.
// solve_grid_no_guess tries to solve without any guesses.
let mut status = solve_grid_no_guess(grid);
status = match status {
SolveStatus::UNFINISHED => {
_ => {status}
match status {
SolveStatus::UNFINISHED => panic!("solve_grid_guess should never return UNFINISHED"),
_ => return status
pub fn solve_grid_no_guess(grid: &mut Grid) -> SolveStatus{
loop {
let mut ran_something = false;
for (_index, line_ref) in grid.rows.iter().enumerate() {
//println!("Processing row {}", _index);
let line_ref = &*(&**line_ref).borrow();
if line_ref.do_update() {
solve_line(&grid, line_ref);
ran_something = true;
for (_index, line_ref) in grid.columns.iter().enumerate() {
//println!("Processing column {}", _index);
let line_ref = &*(&**line_ref).borrow();
if line_ref.do_update() {
solve_line(&grid, line_ref);
ran_something = true;
for (_index, line_ref) in grid.sections.iter().enumerate() {
//println!("Processing section {}", _index);
let line_ref = &*(&**line_ref).borrow();
if line_ref.do_update() {
solve_line(&grid, line_ref);
ran_something = true;
if !ran_something{ // No lines have changed since we last analyzed them
return SolveStatus::UNFINISHED;
// Check if complete or invalid
let mut appears_complete = true;
for x in 0..9 {
for y in 0..9 {
let cell = grid.get(x, y).unwrap();
let cell = &*cell;
let value = &**(&cell.value.borrow());
match value {
CellValue::UNKNOWN(possibilities) => {
appears_complete = false;
if possibilities.len() == 0 {
return SolveStatus::INVALID;
CellValue::FIXED(_) => {}
if appears_complete {
return SolveStatus::COMPLETE;
fn solve_grid_guess(grid: &mut Grid) -> SolveStatus{
let smallest_cell = find_smallest_cell(grid);
let smallest_cell = match smallest_cell {
Some(cell) => cell,
None => return SolveStatus::INVALID
let possibilities = smallest_cell.get_value_possibilities().unwrap();
for (_index, &digit) in possibilities.iter().enumerate() {
let mut grid_copy = grid.clone();
grid_copy.get(smallest_cell.x, smallest_cell.y).unwrap().set(digit);
let status = solve_grid(&mut grid_copy);
match status {
SolveStatus::COMPLETE => {
return SolveStatus::COMPLETE;
SolveStatus::UNFINISHED => {
panic!("solve_grid should never return UNFINISHED")
SolveStatus::INVALID => {
return SolveStatus::INVALID;
mod tests {
use crate::grid::*;
use crate::solver::*;
fn test_search_single_possibility(){
let grid = Grid::new();
for i in 0..8 {
grid.get(0, i).unwrap().set(i as u8 +1);
assert_eq!(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![9]), grid.get(0, 8).unwrap().get_value_copy());
let line = grid.rows.first().unwrap();
let line = &*(**line).borrow();
assert_eq!(CellValue::FIXED(9), grid.get(0, 8).unwrap().get_value_copy());
fn test_identify_and_process_possibility_groups(){
let grid = Grid::new();
// Fill up the first row with values, except for the first section
for i in 3..6 {
grid.get(0, i).unwrap().set(i as u8 +1);
grid.get(1, 6).unwrap().set(1);
grid.get(1, 7).unwrap().set(2);
grid.get(1, 8).unwrap().set(3);
assert_eq!(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9]), grid.get(0, 0).unwrap().get_value_copy());
let line = grid.rows.first().unwrap();
let line = &*(**line).borrow();
assert_eq!(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 2, 3]), grid.get(0, 0).unwrap().get_value_copy());
fn test_search_useful_constraint_1(){
let grid = Grid::new();
// Fill up the first row with values, except for the first section
for i in 3..6 {
grid.get(0, i).unwrap().set(i as u8 +1);
grid.get(1, 6).unwrap().set(1);
grid.get(1, 7).unwrap().set(2);
grid.get(1, 8).unwrap().set(3);
assert_eq!(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), grid.get(2, 0).unwrap().get_value_copy());
let line = grid.rows.first().unwrap();
let line = &*(**line).borrow();
search_useful_constraint(&grid, line);
assert_eq!(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), grid.get(2, 0).unwrap().get_value_copy());
fn test_search_useful_constraint_2(){
let grid = Grid::new();
// These values come from a specific bug example where a constraint was incorrectly identified
grid.get(3, 0).unwrap().set(8);
grid.get(3, 1).unwrap().set(5);
grid.get(3, 2).unwrap().set(2);
grid.get(5, 1).unwrap().set(6);
grid.get(6, 1).unwrap().set(8);
grid.get(8, 2).unwrap().set(7);
grid.get(0, 1).unwrap().set_value(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 3, 4, 7, 9]));
grid.get(1, 1).unwrap().set_value(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 3, 4, 5, 9]));
grid.get(2, 1).unwrap().set_value(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 2]));
grid.get(4, 1).unwrap().set_value(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 3, 4, 7]));
grid.get(7, 1).unwrap().set_value(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 2, 3, 9]));
grid.get(8, 1).unwrap().set_value(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 2, 3, 5, 9]));
// 5 is wrongly removed here
grid.get(1, 0).unwrap().set_value(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 3, 4, 5, 9]));
println!("{}", grid);
let line = grid.columns.get(1).unwrap();
let line = &*(**line).borrow();
search_useful_constraint(&grid, line);
assert_eq!(CellValue::UNKNOWN(vec![1, 3, 4, 5, 9]), grid.get(1, 0).unwrap().get_value_copy());
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